. >> you're going to put stanley kaplan out of business. [applause]. >> and the princeton review and all those guys. but no credentialing. there will not be a khan academy diploma. there will be no graduation from khan academy. >> that's not on our -- you know, we are focused on the learning piece of it. there's already a lot of other -- you know, there's scaffolds of assessment and credentialing already. >> right. >> but, yeah, you know, in the learning piece, there's a lot to do. >> all right. we're out of time. fantastic. thank you so much for being so expansive in discussing all this stuff. it's really interesting, and congratulations for your success. >> thank you. >> salman khan, thank you very much. >> yeah, thank you. [applause]. >> we'd love to have you join us in the studio. visit our website at klru.org/overheard to find invitations to interviews, q&as with our audience and guests, and an archive of past episodes. >> well, what if it's a home run as a not for profit? in a lot of ways it's harder, but what if it could be the next