so it is a stanley kubrick film of an anthony burgess novel, and the novel is really about the battlelso crime and punishment. so the central story is a teenager, �*cause it�*s a dystopian future, commits acts of violence, he is then captured and put in prison and told he can get out only if he submits to the ludovico technique which will take away his free will but will turn him into into a proverbial clockwork orange. when the film came out it was a real cause celebre, there was a lot of censorship fuss about it. kubrick withdrew it in the end, didn�*t he, because there was such a backlash. kubrick�*s family asked for warner bros to withdraw it from circulation in the uk, so for ages in the uk it was effectively banned, yeah. it was never banned by the bbfc, although they didn�*t want to pass it on video originally, because it had this kind of strange reputation around it. i mean, i think the thing now is, people remember the first 45 minutes. what they forget is... which was very scary. yes, but it�*s also very stylised and it�*s — the whole thing is narrated by the character who�*