you have to remember each pair. 50 years ago, stanley millgram conducted this nasty experiment. >> ifou get it correct, fine, if you make an error, you get an electric shock. john: he called the people giving the test teachers. >> try and remember the word pairs. >> incorrect. you will now get a shock of 75 volts. >> oh! >> the subject kept making mistakes. >> 150 volts. >> oh! >> sad face. that's all. get me out of here. i told you i had heart trouble, my heart is bothering me now. john: the man did not have heart trouble and was not receiving the shocks. >> let me out! >> still most teachers kept giving the shocks. >> that is incorrect. this will be at 330. >> ow! >> most also resisted. >> i don't want to go further. john: even though the experimenter had no power over teachers, he wasn't boss or commanding officer. most still did what they were told. >> who's going to take the responsibility if anything happens to that gentleman? >> i'm responsible for anything that happens here. continue please. >> 420 volts. 435 volts. 450 volts. >> he might be dead in there! i mean some people c