earlier today, i spoke with award-winning filmmaker stanley nelson.its lasting impact on america. we talked about that and more >> there are tens of millions of dollars going into expanding the prison system, and that is when we really began to see the explosion of prison populations in the u.s. >> incarceration rates take off under clinton, but then, about the same time, '94, people start to become concerned that the people who were being arrested for crack were almost exclusively black. >> trevor: stanley nelson, welcome to "the daily social distancing show." >> thank you for having me. >> trevor: as one of america's most prolific documentary film-makers, you've received multiple awards, everything from emmys to awards from president barack obama himself. you've always been adept at telling the story of the african-american experience, and it feels like all stories would be incomplete without the story of the crack epidemic and the lies that surrounded that time in american history. as a filmmaker who told every kind of story, why did you feel this