started investigating a guy named stanley sporkin, federal judge did this and realized the treasuries and corporations were being used as slush funds around the world and i can't imagine that companies were happy for their way of doing business to have been changed. >> birmingham, alabama, kathy, a democrat, you're on. hi. >> caller: hi, i'm so glad you brought this up. walmart has been a thorn in my side for years. i saw a show on msnbc that tons and tons of manufacturing plants that they have in china. they're also hiring, i saw this woman, her 10-year-old brother is working at one of these plants in china, and they also, when i came down here from al -- from new jersey, alabama, i couldn't believe this so-called union they have down here. they start their workers at $7 an hour. what kind of union is that? you know? and walmart is supposed to be such an american institution, but what really, really irks me now is that i'm on social security, and i have to shop at walmart because they're the cheapest place around, and they're not doing right by the people of this country, and by the