which he set about for himself in private to answer how far reason to take him toward a christianity by pros stant divines. he confessed his cover letter to be a christian in the only sense jesus wished anyone to be. sincerely attached to the doctrines in preference to all those ascribing himself every human excellence and never a claim to any other. he made the philosophy of jesus a little known predecessor to the jefferson bible. jefferson was invested in approaching religion that would not lead to sectarian conflict in government. the essential insight here is that jefferson personally endorsed and lent his pen to support a version of secularism that was anything but neutral. instead he protected space for and made potential particular types of protestant religious activity, with texts and emphasis on voluntary association with the communities of faithful. he strove to make a gauge of good or permissible religion and struck out violently against any attempts to contain one's conscience. he laid out the proposition list clearly. pledging to use all of his power if elected president to fight atte