sarah: musk was so taken with tim dodd, he agreed to give him an unconventional tour of starbase. this, of you guys taking a video. tim: make sure this is going through there. just shoot the screen the whole time. i don't want anything else. elon: all right. so this--this is--okay, so this is--i'm being videoed here. and then the video of the video. sarah: musk calls himself the chief engineer of spacex and it's obvious that's no honorary title. elon: if you look at, like, the various reasons, like why--where we blew up starships, and you looked at the risk list, none of the reasons it blew up were on the risk list. tim: really? elon: yeah, it was like, no. maybe you could argue, like, one of them, maybe, was on somebody's risk list, but it wasn't brought up beforehand, put it that way. i mean, there's a crazy amount of new technology happening here, and it's all evolving simultaneously. so we would need to iron out, like, the unknown unknowns, so to speak. sarah: part of that constant evolution are their own powerful raptor engines that will lift the starship into deep space. tim