throughout the state it was necessary to develop a statewide network to organize our community's involvement. we call that state white network capafr. metro l.a., san diego valley, orange county and san diego. we served as the lead agency providing legal research mapping. >> a local partner convened a coalition of community stakeholders to establish regional priorities and testify before the citizen's redistricting commission. stakeholders were mostly representatives from community based organizations and interested community members. while some local elected officials participated, members of congress, state assembly, state senate, their staff, those closely tied to partisan politics were prohibited from participating. eej regional coalition held four meetings to educate stakeholders about redistricting, identify communities of interests, floor mapping scenarios and decide on a map. regional coalitions also identified members to present testimony rarding their priorities to the commission. the geographic dispersion of an ethnic diversity within asian-american and pacific islander communities presented challenges. often our regiona