one of my favorite examples of that what, of that era is, that is in the book is in 1838, the staten island ferry road are ordered his captain of his theory to ram a rival ferry, and i found these court accounts from people who were on that ferry in it was just unbelievable. >> and the almost did. >> the passengers on the other ferry when they got to staten island, they ripped down the ferry house and nearly murdered the president. unbelievable. then you get to the railroad era and what is different about railroad? they are fixed pieces of infrastructures so you can have a price war but what is going to happen at the end? you have to come to some sort of terms because the other guy is still there and to the nature of railroads, because they were so capital-intensive and that such a large workforce, even if you had no business at all, you are running hardly hanni trains your fixed expenses from just maintaining and having a railroad for nervously high and they didn't go up very much. when you started to run more and more trains so rural that was in bad shape would cut prices even if they wer