several playing out aa ne of several the wildfire is just one of several playing out as thirteen statessbattlet seventy wildfires. ((2-shot toss to wwather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map 395 map fiber map bel air map 3 3 3 it's a number...that's supposed to help you. you.311 3111 but find out the problems some peopleeare having... with he city's number to rrport problems... and how some people...are taking matters into their oww hands. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) it's a city service the mayor says benefits baltimore .crime and justice reporter joy lepola shows us in this morning's cover story..." 3-1-1, can i help you?"... some resident's say... it's hot air. hey're getting, but sot man walking by couch saying ... this used to be a beautiful neighborhood. but it's not so much nowadays... and maay long time residents likeedward stanley blame the city for being in this mess.come cut .... 51:14 they didn't clean up and then somebody came behind that and threw all that junk you're gonna see over there.stanley's reported the problem to 3-1-1. 53:40 hhy hey hey walking...