manpower reports and statistic summarizations, sir. thank you, levitt. no problem. i hear you saw some action today. i went out on a call. enjoy yourself? as a matter of fact, i did. i only mention this because i thought, in this type of situation, when there's a temporary manpower shortage, normally you would assign a uniform. that's your prerogative, sir. it's just that there's a limited amount of crime out there, and if the brass starts going out on calls for kicks, it's not gonna leave much for those of us who really need the work. i wouldn't worry about it, levitt. i have no intention of making a habit of it. thank you, sir. i'll be downstairs. you'll be here? promise. good. excuse me. i'm looking for sergeant harris. mr. kamen? the one and only. uh, your, um, your wife is in the bathroom, sir. no kidding. got an autoclave, a centrifuge, and a, uh, a container of assorted cultures. right. and there was nothing else? no. that covers everything. is there something else i should know about? the dna! somebody's got to tell them! i'll be the judge. okay, hold it, ho