was imbedded with psychiatrists as they debated the new edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders the d.s. and five all along it's been clear that the d.s.m. is centrally a work of fiction it's the way that psychiatrists have of saying if if there are mental disorders if they exist in nature the ways illnesses like diabetes exist than disease or what they are changing the way we understand ourselves is intimately related to the development of the diagnostic and statistical manual the d.s.m. is often referred to as the bible of psychiatric disorders it is the quintessential diagnostic instrument over four hundred thousand mental health professionals in the united states use the d.s.m. and in order to get third party reimbursement one has to have a d.s.m. diagnosis so the d.s.m. is extremely instrumental in two thousand and five two respected academics lisa kos grove of you must boston and sheldon prim skee of tufts released their investigation into conflicts of interest between d.s.m. four panel members and the pharmaceutical industry i think the data really speak for the