[cattllowing] statz: my name is brenda statz. well, my farming was my main thing. istill is lot of life, t i do wk full-time off my farm, also, so i probably lked her -plus yes i milk in this barn ani milkedor my dabefore at. i wa like, 1when i started lking co at his rn, so ie mied cs a lo time, s- [ctle long] ansome othem, ah, yoget special ws. you t pets, d me of th, you'reust like "no. ion't wt nothin do wi her," a you waifor her to gon the tck, you ow to sl them o, but r the most par i mean,armings-- od girl. keep wahing. it a go life. iwas a go life. i see u, carn. ha ha ha! leon and i, weet actual, in reeburg at boing alle i was n a personho went t much, d i we out witmy sister to wah her bo, and th's when we met, and he h gone to scho with siste who e's, le, 3 yea older tn me, and just stted dati and we both ca from farm backound and we th co from bifamiliesso ev our wding wasig. we d everhing togher. fm the ti you gotp in theorning tillhe time u went tbed, you rked togher. thas just the y farminis. he had hichores. did my cres. we neveracationemuch. if we