2017 peace spend proposal the pathway language has been reduced but will be other funding will be stauthor two other pieces of information one regards the board meeting from ms. wynns for the costs of translation services specific looking at the hiring additional staff and engaging contractor for increasing the services those questions are being reviewed by assistant superintendent trusting and his team and will compile a report for the board secondly the commissioners you have received an updated version of peace recommendation memo the peas came back met for version one and two and looking at the changes since version one came up and agreed on recommendations that are included in the memo for your review co-chair murphy is here i'm going to turn it over to dr. murase for discussion. >> thank you very much ms. fleming for you and ear or your team and thank the public citizens advisory committee for reviewing the proposed changes we will now move to public comment and then enter board discussion i want to call on the state's first so i have (calling names) we say quite a few speakers to