we can be sure that this product fully complies with the indicators of the state or stb, according toor other documents, it is completely safe, high-quality, it will not harm anyone, that is, it is completely meets all the requirements. products. factories are exported to the eu and cis countries, the usa, serbia, mongolia, china, israel, georgia, azerbaijan and other countries. on store shelves, the company's products attract attention thanks to their packaging, which is developed at the factory by a young creative team of designers. we try to stand out among competitors and focus on the end consumer, taking into account their requirements. packaging, looking at the packaging, a person has a few seconds to understand his need for this product, thereby we highlight our main positive aspects of the product and its advantages and bring them to the surface. it is important not to forget about traditions and with some fonts, some elements to take us a little bit back to those times, where we remember our grandmother, mother, mother always advised us something good, so here we are... first