so, about halfway through my time as a ste rep, the opportunity came up to r for state senate. and i took it beuse to me the work that you do on a campaigtrail lasts far bend a candite or an eltion d. and that kind of movement building is so exciting to me, it is thheart of where things are at these days. thstate sena district really interesting. i call it, it's district 13 but i call it lucky district 13. most of it is in lincoln county, maine, which is this very rural county in a very rural state. we were going up against a man named dana dow who had been in and out of office for almost 20 years. he hadever lost general election before in his life. he is also the senate minority leader. so, the highesranking republan in the state. he was susan collins's guest at the state of the union this year. and, yeah, it was a lot to gup again. he owns local business and everybody knows who dana dow is. he also won by less than 400 votes in 2018. so, we knew that we could do it. district 13 islso ally intesting. instead of a 16% republican advantage, which is district 88, e senateistrict