is that a steak 'n shake suit? walter, does this look like a steak 'n shake suit? get 24 meals for under four dollars. it's time to see what's clicking on the web.with this >>jennifer: time to see what's clicking on the web. >>vanessa: bringing you hot clicks again this morning. so it's time for a christmas one, acting in a nativity play, children are usually cast to play the adults, the farm the kids get to tell the story while their parents act it out so check it out. ? >> an angel came to see mary. she was home doing laundry and then the angel just appeared and she was really scared. so gabriel was like, mary, you're going to have -- mary, you're going to have a baby. u' you will call him jesus. and then mary will be like, i'm not going to have a baby yet. i'm only a teenager. i'm not married. >>jennifer: so strange. >>vanessa: it is. it's really funny, though. this video was produced by southland christian church and as the kids tell the christmas story in the most adorable way, the adults try to follow along with their lines along in the costume. it was actual