do to steed motors where she worked as a greeter. hold she disappeared. never returned to pick up her daughter from the sitter. witness statem nothing indicating foul play. like she vanished. only after she emptied her bank account: 400 bucks. any guys in the picture? no husband, no degree, bad credit and crap job with limited prospects. jeffries: assigned figured she skipped town; ditched the kid and a miserable situation. vera: wouldn't be the first. we got any other friends or family? jeffries: friend paula coming in. she was sitting the kid the night she disappeare what about the daughter? marisa d'amico. she's not returning our phone calls. rush is hunting her down. checked registrations on all '73 eldorados, no hits on the name lester. check the dealership, see if there ever was a guy that name worked on that lot. i hate car salesman. you could use a new ride. what's wrong with my car? nothing, if you like being single. excuse me. is that, um, marisa? mm-hmm. rush: marisa? lily rush. i-i called before about your mother. my mother