thought steenkamp described as i think you need to understand. as well why can i. call for this when. we have sinned in the middle of the something not more into been done for. enough noise to. put sand in moscow. it's time. to search for a donor is a lot like a lot of the numbers on your ticket are the d.n.a. code you will go on with and then you have to at least mostly match or ideally fully match the donors. you need to find a genetic twin and that means finding one in 10000. while we're here at the stuff from our foundation which is a charitable nonprofit foundation where the main goal to help leukemia and to more patients and it is named after my brother who had leukemia 983 and was the 1st european to receive an unrelated transplant. unrelated from an unrelated donor from great britain. suzanne to brother stephan done you've given foreseen complications but his story inspired a charitable organization that would later become famous for helping leukemia patients. ok we're now in the collection center of. all this stuff or marsh on deja and in this whole area w