and today we'll talk about the boeing steerman. it had different numbers depending on the service it was in, whether it was in the navy or whether it was in the air force. it could be a pt 13, or 7-pt extensive it -- 17, if it was in the army air corps. and the navy called them the yellow peril, and mainly because it can be a handful of an airplane for the first airplane you're learning to fly. but to set you up for progressions down the road in more complicated airplanes. but this airplane, among other types, basically taught all the military aviators, and many never saw an airplane, and the first plane they saw was the boeing spearman. the reason they use this airplane is because it's very basic. mostly made out of wood. and held together by steel flying wires and then covered in a fabric back then which was a cotton fabric, and then with like a dope-type material. there is modern stuff they have on them the make them last longer. the reason they made tens of thousands and there are only several hundred of them today. was because