so the 16-year-old stefa stanyuta, the future legend of the scene, patralized the corpse.d ўhorashny soldiers, being a campaigner, the singer of the belarusian anthem. ale naypersh ruplevets zazyagnuu at the new theater with his family, wife, dacha and old matsi. on the stage galubok and all galubki, yadzia, lyusya, busya, ema and grandma, the minchuks were roasting. the nep has cultural regulations based on the budget. amal did not finance, what you earn is yours. as ordinary people are attracted to the performance, they will pay for the entrance. galubok secret i'm in a hurry, i mean, i'm going to jump. after all, stopping them is possible only through powerful experiences. hai ta budze eternal baratsba pamіzh chistіnya i ponds, svyatnogo i tsemraj. pan surynta, for the famous dog galubka, is such a sweetheart, that you are already waiting for retribution. the hand of the gentleman has a sharp knife, sapraudny, the blow of the very heart. surynta asyadae on the padloga, on the yago porridge tread the chyrvonaya flame. the public doesn’t want to ruin the tradition, and no