our reporter stefan mohl took onthe challenge of tracking downillegal golddiggers in thechimanimani national park inmozambique.their attempts to make livingis ving a devastating effecton the environment. >> the chimanimani mountainslook like an untouched paradise.but antonio ngovene knowsbetter.he's once agaion the traiofillegal goldprospectst reams around hereare clear.but not this one. so, there must be an illegalminesomewhere upstream,in the middle of mozambique'schimanimani national reserve.his rangers detain eve goldminerhey cah. >> don't you know this is anature reserve?>> no.i only rived yestday.i hear othersere here.>don't you know thiisn'tallow?>> no, >> don't you know this is i didn't.ariend to me i.i only shld come.>> ah, so he didn't know either.>> right, right.>> >> the gold diggers are wcalled"gaimperos."the rangers? see this group forthe first me and call thepolice.ly repeatffenders fe timein tionalpa wants to wiover the goldminers.>> when we find somebody f thefirst time, we try toducateth.we talko th about thenetive iact of illegal goldming and we also tell emabout alternati