stefan ray works for sweden's largest train operating company, the first in the world to begin usingnderneath the skin as train tickets. this microchip implant sits right here. that's it. it's under your skin. it's under my skin. here comes a ticket officer. this is our chance to see if that works. each passenger with a microchip must be registered with a membership number. the microchip holds this number and when the inspector scans the chip, the ticket comes up in her validation app. it's there, so it shows the tickets, our names, and it all came from that. so, what about privacy? the solution we found was that if we just put the membership number, that won't be telling anyone anything about you outside our company. there is no transmitter here, so we can't track with like gps or something. so far around 3000 people in sweden have a microchip. in theory, you could use the microchip implant to replace a lot of stuff. i mean, credit cards... the keys to your house, the keys to your car. i've got real mixed feelings about that microchip technology. the geeky side of me likes the idea