i would like to thank mayor ferrell, the supervisor stefani dressheey for recognizing ing the crisis that we are facing with staffing. i've been on the police commission for a long time as both a state and federal prosecutors here in san francisco so i'm aware of the need for policing. given the curre state of our criminal justice and mental health systems, our officers can barely respond to the calls for service. they are busy dealing with repeat offenders and people in mental health crisis. by adding these police officers to our police department it will make the street saferor our citizens and those who visit our there's days when i walk from the parking garage to my office crisis, people shooting up.y th it's not acceptable and the o way we can address that is adding to our women power and men power of the san francisco police department. this is a great move. we as a commission thank the mayor and the board of supervisors for putting this forward. with this it will give our officers more of an opportunity to be involvedn community policing and, yes, proactive policing. so mayor