i am stefanie greenberg and i also serve on the police advisory board. i'm also a member of north beach neighbors and we have formed a whole new neighborhood association focusing on the geographical area of southern telegraph hill and southern north beach. he will probably be hearing from us because we have a lot to do. we form this group for many reasons, but primarily to address crime and nuisance from the broadway corridor. it is completely out of hand. i've lived in the neighborhood for almost 20 years now and i can't tell you how many times i have been told that's just broadway and that's the way it is. that is not the case. it is horrible right now. it's a war zone and it's not fair to those of us who live there. it is not safe. we are afraid. we on property and we don't know what to do. i know the police are trying to do the best they can and thank you. i know the chief has allocated more resources to the corridor and that is helping. we have a lot of work to do they're getting the guns off the street and dealing with problem clubs and those who s