it is a combination of both under armour maturing as a brand together with stefen stefen wanted to dohis we started talking about it two years ago or a little bit more than that. it has been pa maturing. i think this year especially there has been more time for stefen to dedicate more time to this effort. as we have been working on it, it matured and we felt that now was the perfect time, right before the season starts this year you know, this is something we are building on for the future there is a being commitment here from under armour and from curry to really impact youth sports. we are looking to impact about 100,000 kids until 2025. and you know, if you want to do that, you have got get going we believe that by starting in 2021 and putting a great program together that's not just about product, it's also about places and about people, it's about training coaches, it's about getting spaces for kids, and it's about putting programs together that can actually educate both the coaches and the kids so it goes beyond. this goes beyond just product and business. >> what patrick qualif