good. we've had steiff on the show before, but generally what we see are steiff teddy bears. but the non-bear type steiff is also very, very desirable and particularly when you get into this kind of size. this is probably the largest of the camels that they made in that era. with the cast iron wheels. and basically he's in pretty darn good condition. most steiff animals do have buttons in their ear. right. everybody's looking for the button. and you can see on the monkey, there was a hole where he did have a button. i'm not so sure he had a button in his ear. there's no remnant of it. and i'm not 100% sure that they put buttons in the largest animals like this. i would say on today's market at auction-- and also i think a retail dealer would probably ask about the same-- around $4,000 to $5,000. really? so, uh... all right. i mean i think it was a good buy for about... is that together or the camel? oh, no, i'd say that's just the camel. okay. the monkey, i think they called him jacko the monkey, he's also quite early, quite large, with his very large arms. he has some condit