steinbeck wrote so many awesome books.e was radical in some early books, "in dubious battle" was about communist organizing. men," "east of eden," powerful contributions to american literature. i think if you do a quick reading of "the grapes of wrath," you don't really profit as much as going back, rereading it, maybe watching the film in between. it's powerful in terms of his spirituality. it was thought by some people to be a track for socialism. eleanor roosevelt, immediately after she read it here in washington, d.c., said it was a profoundly urgent and spiritual and pro-american book. on that note, i would like to quote bono, the singer, he recently had an album in which he had one song called "the american soul," and in a recent interview he said, "the irish people are wonderful people and france and great britain are great countries, but they are not an idea. america, he says, is an idea. that is why we become obnoxious and boisterous about when you don't succeed." "the rest of the world," bono is saying -- and i t