german president frank-walter steinmeier pointed to its lasting importance. >> we live in a time whenistorical achievements, including the separation of powers, the parliamentary system, and the rule of law, are being challenged and questioned, even here in europe. reporter: after the first free elections in january 1919, the national assembly met in weimar and created germany's first ever legal constitution, the so-called weimar constitution. it formalized the principles of sovereignty, separation of powewers, and women's suffrage. but the constitution also contained fatal flaws. the nation's president had considerable power and could even dissolve parliament in an emergency. that was a power hitler later used to destroy the young democracy. despite its shortcomings, today's german president praised the weimar constitution's ideals. >> praising today's constitution does not mean its weimar predecessor was a bad one. on the contrary. much of what was created then lives on today. weimar's ideals of freedom and democracy, the rule of law, and the welfare state, have not failed. reporter