stripes with torchlight processions with bandera greetings with the official posthumous awarding of stepan banderevle of hero of ukraine and so on. where did this come from and here we tried to figure it out. now i will introduce you to a very interesting document, of course, probably, historians know it, but i think that the majority. uh, especially the younger generation about it i have no idea i fell into the hands. the book, the publicists of the historian yevgeny spoke, is called khrushchev’s spoke, the slush is about a document that was signed by a on september 17 , 1955, 46. when the official operation against the bandera bandits was completed, so to speak, this fifty-fifth is called a decree on the amnesty of soviet citizens who collaborated with the invaders during the great patriotic war of 1941-45. this decree was signed by the chairman of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, kliment voroshilov, and the secretary of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, nikolai pegov. i think it makes sense to quote a small fragment of this document to make it clear. what is it abo