on the other side, the h1 b visa is the one that folks like stephen miller and stephan bennett have been pushing for years, that we should restrict, limit, perhaps end all immigration in the u.s., legal and illegal point the border, around asylum, but also h1 b visas. just listen to the two of them on tannins old radio show back in march of 2016 point this was before trump was even the republican nominee. take a listen. >> they see these oligarchs down there with 54 private jets and they're not down there for their health. they're called together by karl rove to stop trump movement and to stop trump movement because they want unlimited h1 b visas. isn't the beating heart of this problem right now, the real beating heart of it, of what we've got to get sorted here, is not illegal immigration, as horrific as that is, and it's horrific, it's only a problem, we looked the other way on this legal immigration that kind of overwhelmed the country. >> the history of america is that an integration on period is followed by an immigration off period. >> to be very clear there, h1 b visas, legal imm