. >> executive director stephanie bergeron cautions against premature celebration over the success. >> the success rate is on the back end. where are they now, that's really happening and we need to look at that. >> new hampshire ranks near the bottom nationallyn to access to treatment. according to the department of health and human services, new hampshire currently has 270 inpatient treatment beds. that's a 25% increase since february 2015. >> residential treatment, that level of care, that high intensity treatment is so necessary and we don't have enough beds, but a bed doesn't equate treatment. >> how are you doing, steven? walking a lot today . >> steven is 56. addicted to alcohol and sleeping on the streets for three weeks. he arrived with a gift for the station, maple syrup. and firefighters see it as a cry for help and respond. >> to make a change, it's hard for me. >> a coalition surrounds him in minutes. he'll get recovery support during the day at >> the response is kind and quick. >> thanks for the maple syrup. see you. >> florida, massachusetts, ohio, fdny in the bronx wa