. >> there was another young lady discovered in hillsborough county on the same day, stephanie collinsthe 17-year-old high schooler was reported missing when she never made to church choir practice. a month later, stephanie's body is found. a half hour from where teri matthews was discovered. >> when teri matthews' body was found and subsequently stephanie collins on the same day, it was extremely shocking for our communities. it left a lot of people alarmed. a lot of people called in, frightened. >> reporter: blanche holley, teri matthews, and stephanie collins, three young women abducted, beaten and dumped, all within a 20-mile radius. could the murders be linked? police have no way of knowing and the investigation stalls. even a reward for information goes unclaimed. what is it like for the family, all of these months, and months, and nothing? >> you try to tuck the pain away, and deal with it a little bit at a time. because it's -- it's paralyzing. >> reporter: then, after four painful years, a break. a crimestoppers tipster puts detectives in touch with cheryl jo coby who has an i