it is very clear who stephanie cuter is. she worked for obama and she is on a show that is an opinion show. >>- q. i and that's why she was -- >> that's why she was hired. viewers expect her to have an inside knowledge of how the white house works and a current pipeline. i don't necessarily -- i don't think anyone thinks stephanie gibbs -- stephanie cuter or robert gibbs are commentators. >> of course she will be pro obama. there seems to be a little difference between that stance and going to strategy meetings. by the way -- >> yes, so he can craft his message. >> by the way, when karl rove appears on fox and he is in charge of raising money for public candidates and presidential candidates possibly the last time around newt gingrich appearing on fox it was fair to question whether they are pushing an agenda. >> let's go to war for moral reasons. let's convince the country of the moral righteousness of it and not five spin doctors sitting in the white house cooking up a strategy. >> i'm sorry, but that is what the program i