nightmare i wondered how i would get out of this hell because if i didn't i was going to die stephanie dubois was one of thousands of holiday makers aboard the costa munchak or last year when the covert pandemic hit for her and her then 5 year old son it was supposed to be a dream voyage instead passengers found themselves trapped aboard with little information or what was happening as the virus spread through the ship is all over the refused to inform us that there were cases of covert aboard the ship that they had tested positive there was no suspicion but indeed there were ill people they refused to give us information and we got it from the media when we were near the coast and could get a signal they concealed it from us and they didn't let us protect ourselves they didn't protect us either health wise they didn't treat us very well and not at all humanely but also they avoided putting in place barrier measures which could have protected us and didn't ask koester what measures they were putting in place to ensure that your health was the priority or the tension increased very quickly we