her name is now stephanie fisher because she was married last week. she'll be starting december 9th as our wellness manager. we are interviewing the compliance manager and our service manager position closes on monday and we'll start interviews on that as well. we have hired an 1844 to work on our contracting team. actually for the first time in 3 years that i have been with health service system, we lost one of our 1210's to mta. one of our super star ben fits analyst. we'll surely miss her. moving on to operations for beginning of december has been delayed to mid-january because of the law library also went in on our building and pushed us back a month. we have a significant enrollment. i would like to ask our manager to give that presentation to you. >> mitchell gregs members service manager. the open enrollment summary is contained in the presentation just behind the directors report. for the sake of time i'm going to put the slides i'm going to review here on the screen. the open enrollment summary for october 2013, we received 6580 applications