.: stephanie mccapra... man: excuse me. have a seat. have a seat. i'm fine. woman: take off your jacket, all right? sir! sir, relax. breathe easy. man: stay down. everybody, stand clear. ma'am, i need you to back up, ok? thank you. announcer: two out of three people with diabetes die of heart attack or stroke. we're gonna have to shock him. everybody stand clear. [music plays on soundtrack] [silence] [music plays on soundtrack] announcer: that was his wake up call. this is yours. the good news is you can lower the risk of heart attack or stroke. ask your healthcare provider how. to learn more, go to diabetesactnow.org. anncr vo: ...you can get help gwith a flat tire.... anncr vo: ...find a nearby tow truck or gas station... anncr vo: ...call emergency services... anncr vo: ...collect accident information. anncr vo: or just watch some fun videos. anncr vo: it's so easy, a caveman can do it. caveman: unbelievable... caveman: where's my coat? it was suede with the fringe. vo: download the glovebox app free at geico.com. oh, i love that band... but the shirt look