stephanie chuang is out at the party at justin herrmann plaza. a palo alto company called fooze is warming up an app that will tell you when a game gets exciting, that's what if you're watching packers on sunday and the saints cardinal game is better, your phone or tablet will tell you so. fooze says its computers are watching the games, running it through an algorithm. >> basically we're using computers to model the excitement of games and matches but it's based on the input from fans based on why they find games particularly exciting. >> right now the fooze thing is only going to tell your phone you are watching the wrong game but eventually with this new apple tv and all the developers coming in on it this could be an example of something, an app you would run on apple tv where it would alert you, hey, you are watching the wrong game, there is something way more interesting on a different channel. >> so helpful because you have a lot of games going on at at once you can't watch them all. >> there's some games you would expect why would that be interesting? >> it will tell you if you're missing something good on one of those housewives shows, too? >> there is an app for that i'm s