. >> stephanie skelder with the department of public health. >> thank you supervisors thank you for the opportunity to give the update. i'm going to give a brief overview of the incident and definition of trauma just to put it in context of the services that we provided. on june 27th a horrific incident took place over sixty children witnessed a young man being murdered as they were playing dodge ball on the herz playground. what is trauma? an experience that produces psychological pain in the heart and the mind. it may take weeks months years to impact individuals common symptoms are avoidance and flashbacks and regression and nightmares and clinging fear and mistrust and most often used coping and healing practices are family support systems community activities the church and mental health services to assist with the healing process, our department our department's initial response was to the immediate family responded to san francisco general to provide emotional support and continue to support the family by providing home visits phone check ins funeral support and treatment to the