adam: at one of the city's biggest hospitals, australian-born doctor, stephanie yacoub was nearing theit was just one of those days where you haven't had anything to eat or drink, and we kind of joke about it with the residents that we're about to order some maccas for everyone. adam: a few blocks from the hospital, another australian, u.n worker sarah copland was at home with her husband craig and their two-year-old son, isaac. sarah copland: he loved making people laugh like if he ever did anything and then somebody laughed, he would do it over and over again just to watch them, watch them laugh. adam: smart and outgoing, fearless in the face of beirut's tough street cats, isaac was thriving in this diverse city, moving easily between three languages. craig oehlers: every time i came to pick him up, it was as if i was picking him up for the first time. he just was so happy, and he broke out into this smile, and he ran from me. and yeah, and it was just such a beautiful moment, and he jt had the most beautiful smile. adam: sarah was pregnant with her second child, and the family had b