c-span: go back to robert capa and that famous photo that we've seen--i think it was on stephen ambrose's d-day book cover. >> guest: right. c-span: where was it taken and when did he take it and how did you play a role in all this? >> guest: well, i was the london picture editor for life, and there were six life photographers assigned to cover d-day. the one we counted on the most was robert capa, who had so much experience in covering wars. he had covered the spanish war, the war in china, the war in north africa and italy. so we all looked to capa. and, indeed, he volunteered to land with the first wave on omaha beach. tuesday--it was--tuesday, june 6th, 1944, was d-day. and we waited all day tuesday for pictures. and we waited all day wednesday, but we--we--where was--where were the pictures? where was capa? finally, wednesday evening, a currier came into the--the life office with four rolls of film from capa and a handwritten note saying, 'john, that's where the action is.' so i told the darkroom to rush me contact prints for editing. we were under terrible deadline pressure. the who