how many people in here would think that stephen ambrose was a consultant to the movie? raise your hands if you think it was. that he wasn't. ambrose was really an advisor after the movie was already made. let me tell you a story that may be most of you don't know? ambrose calls me up one day, we were best friends and shared everything for 30 years. our families grew up together and we did a lot of projects together, not just on a museum, but we owned sailboats together, bought a dive resort, planned to -- planned tours of europe together, we went on boat rides together, we did a lot of things together. we shared all the good news and the bad news with each other. he called me and said, steven spielberg just called me. he said, i have this new movie. ambrose said, yeah, we have been hearing about it. he said, i want you to come out here and look at it, and tell me what you think about it. and steve said, well, i am too busy. i am writing a book, i can't fly out there, send me a tape. well, anybody in the movie business knows, you do not release anything -- this was nine m