stephen beckett, everybody! so if one of these five engines blows, then... it's still flying. you can lose two engine and still flying. the explosion will be contained by some kevlar protection. the explosion? if it explodes. undeterred, nick gave its water—powered cousin a whirl. yes! i don't think i've ever had so many painful muscles afterwards of doing any activity ever. yeah, i've never had so much salt water up my nose in such a short period of time. spencer laughs and you have been following franky za pata's career since then. tell us what he's doing now. yeah, so the guy has actually attempted to cross the english channel. he did it once and he failed, but then he managed to do it a second time. and now, he has actually decided to make a flying car, which sounds very safe indeed, so, yeah, look forward to seeing that. guess who we'll be sending to report on that story. bye! thank you so much! bye! applause spencer, you've been on the show longer than i have. you've been on so many adventures. what would