consciously or subconsciously also playing the role of maintaining the fear, keeping her alive as stephen colbert would say. and third, we have a president in the white house into an great hopes for peace were invested. the fact that he sent 3000 troops to afghanistan after reviewing the situation didn't destroy people's faith in him. although it undermined it you might say to some extent. it was not the situation yet where lyndon johnson was elected as a peace candidate in 1964, and in 1965 cents 500,000 troops to vietnam and a sense of betrayal was so big you could cut it with an eye. i know because i expressed it myself and many people in this room probably did also. but by the same token it seems to me one can say when the fear lifts, when the economy begins to recover, when the hopes in obama or any other leader begin to fade further, when people become tired of obsessive warfare of what is called the forever war. one could reject a revival of some kind, antiwar sentiment. one of the things that seems to me we can't do, we mustn't do, is to buy into the argument that since there are not many