host: stephen dinan from the "washington times" joins us for our final talking about e-verify. guest: e-verify is the government database to allow businesses to check employees to make sure that our work- authorized based on social security numbers. it is currently a voluntary program. there are efforts underway in congress to make it mandatory. host: why would a business have this at their disposal? guest: it is currently on line. it is available through a website. it is a defense against hiring illegal immigrants. hiring illegal immigrants is against the law. this is a way of protecting the work force and a way for business to make sure they do not hire illegal immigrants and run afoul of the law. there is a bill in congress right now where if you are using e-verify, it becomes a legal defense if you are found to have illegal immigrants on your staff. host: what information to people wanting to work for the company have to present? guest: right now, the employee verification system is paper based. employees are already required to submit information