, he said that stephen a. douglas and i both arrived in illinois roughly at the same time, and we both started off as hardscrabble boys ambitious to get ahead, and i am--in the race of success, i am a failure, a flat failure. >> narrator: when his term was up, he returned to springfield disappointed and concentrated on his legal career. >> he was just content to be done with politics and that he would focus, basically, the rest of his life building his law practice and making money that way. >> billy. >> ah, mr. lincoln. >> good news: the firm will stay solvent for a while. >> narrator: lincoln was the only traveling lawyer to stay out on the circuit from beginning to end. even on sundays, when most journeyed home to see their families, lincoln did not. >> and this incorporates the changes we talked about. >> yes, it does, huh? >> good. >> narrator: it caused some to wonder. judge davis said mary was to blame. >> mary supposedly, according to all the evidence, had an uncontrollable temper. >> she made life very unplea