that probably that ball until it is here to stay to say as stephen dumble until you do you mention it started over 2 weeks ago as u.s. and china trade tensions escalated over dose 2 weeks we saw for the 2 wars trading sessions held this year so far and the key to end these are still resides on the resolution of the ongoing trade war between the world's 2 biggest economies also what will happen with the trade negotiations with the european union and japan and if the federal reserve will go ahead and cut rates also if i know the deal breaks it will end up materializing time from all the geopolitical tensions going on like iran north korea hong kong among others was a lose to horo in new york for us thank you. not for sale that's the message for us president donald trump from the people of greenland all 50000 of them reports that the american leader was interested in buying the sparsely populated but resource rich island raised eyebrows drew criticism and even prompt a response from governing denmark this is what the vast majority of greenland looks like expanses of ice cover 80 percent