we talk with evelyn witkin, stephen elledge and james allison. where will we be in ten years? >> i think we'll be in a situation where, if there's a precision drug that can genetically type a patient's tumors and say this drug's got a good chance of killing a lot of tumor cells, although we know it's not curative, we'll be combining that with these immunotherapies that can make that curative. the wonderful thing about the immune system is once you get t cells, they're with you the rest of your life and if the tumor comes back, they can attack it again and we can give memory to those drugs that normally are just around for hours. >> rose: we conclude this evening with actor richard gere who has a fascinating new movie out called "time out of mind" about a man homeless. >> it really is a movie i wanted to make but by the end of it i forgot the man was homeless. that wasn't the issue. i was a deeper kind of yearning for a place that i was interested in, a more spiritual, cosmic voyage towards a yearning for place, for connection, for family, for tribe. where is my place where i a