steven: my name is stephen gallagher. costume,us who are in -- and iing exhibits work on the 1820's farm. these folks were farmers, primarily wheat farmers. livestock, and they laid -- raised beef cattle for sale. they made butter and cheese. they raised sheep, chickens for eggs, a pretty good diet, but it was heavy in pork and corn products. was the breada basket of the country into well after the civil war. wheat was the cash crop. it is like what tobacco was to the east. farm was's american originally located about an hour drive north of here. constructed ins 1773 by a german immigrant they came down here after a generation of an sylvania, which was a typical story. that is why the museum one of this property, because the family story was chaired by so many other families at about the same time. ,e are currently in the parlor it was added by the original owner's grandson in 1820. it is an older house. by the time this house looked like this and this parlor looked was this 1820, the frontier basically in missouri. out t