today's guest host, that means a person who is here for the next hour is stephen gallo. do get your questions through to stephen. in particular about the currency markets. that's his especially and that's worldwide at stephen, we have -- good morning. >> good morning. >> i'm all excited to get into this. we've got indications that the market fundamentals have been improving for some time now. we've had understand occasions that we're starting to see unwinding on some of the underlying bad assets of the banks. what is your overall mood in comparison to the market now? >> my overall mood towards the market is generally one of, you know, in absent a financial crisis, i would be saying in a weak economy, in a weak economic environment where fundamentals are still very weak or in some cases deteriorating, i would say, what's the next sort of bump in the road? this time i'm asking myself, what is the next crater in the road? and i think the market is starting to come to that view, as well. xkly, fundamentally, there are clearly reasons for the pop in the second half gd